Thursday, December 19, 2013

Swimming with the sharks and the rays

We will never forget today.

Mark does not swim well and is nervous in the water. It is what it is. Rebecca is an excellent swimmer. Neither have had much experience swimming in a lagoon near Bora Bora where the black sharks and the stingrays come up to be petted and fed. 

So put Mark in a snorkel for the first time in his life, give him his underwater camera, strap on a life vest, and insert him in crystal blue water. 

He loved it. He petted the stingray (feels like velvet,) and photographed the sharks from an acceptable distance.

Rebecca is very proud of Mark. 

So is Mark.

There was snorkeling in a coral garden, and then a traditional Polynesiasn feast. Pork, fish, plantains, breadfruit, yucca, are placed on top of hot rocks, covered with banana leaves and left alone for 3 or so hours. The result is heavenly. We ate with our fingers. We'll be back. And you should come visit too.
Here we are snorkeling at the coral garden. 

We tell you about this adventure because we chose this excursion for its high tourist value. Actually, it sounded a little cheesy. We were wrong. The whole experience was one for the ages.

Sharks and stingrays. Damn. Can you believe it? 

Cooking fresh fish for lunch.

Lunch after a morning chasing stingrays and sharks.

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