Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dancing the tango on a tropical beach.

The Tango, except that it is not being danced by Mark and Rebecca nor is it being danced on a beach..

The whole thing with the tango started with a magazine ad Mark saw that featured a couple dancing the tango on a tropical beach. It looked cool, and that prompted Mark to say to Rebecca "We'll do that one of these days."

To date they haven't, primarily because they don't know how to do the tango, and because the right time at the right beach has not presented itself. 

The second requirement has been met.

It has been determined by Rebecca and Mark that the celebration of the 40th wedding anniversary is momentous enough of an occasion and that the fact they'll be in the South Pacific takes care of the right location. 

The issue of not actually being able to dance the tango has raised its ugly head, but the Johnson's are not without technical skills and are assured there are instruction videos on YouTube.

Rebecca has wisely pointed out that to fulfill the goal of dancing the tango on the beach does not require all that much tango or, for that matter, all that much beach. 

But dance they must, and dance they will. Updates as they become available. 

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