Thursday, December 26, 2013

About the Tango on the beach

We are compelled by a fit of honesty to report that we never did the tango on the beach. There are three reasons:

First, we never learned how to tango. We watched a YouTube video that showed the basic steps, and we both admit that the basics are simple. And we did a few steps in the living room before we left, but our stomping around scared the dog so we stopped. 

Second, there never was the right beach at the right time. Sure, French Polynesia is awash in beaches, and we were on a couple for more than a few minutes. However, the times we had any significant beach time we were without music. It just didn't seem right to ask new friends to hum a few bars of a tango while we skidded through the sand. Some things are hard to explain to new acquaintances. 

Third, if the mood was right and the music was handy, getting to the beach wasn't possible. You see, the Paul Gauguin, nimble in shallow water as it is, doesn't dock at ports of call. One gets to shore by tender. Certainly the Paul Gauguin is famous for meeting every need, but we never thought that their generosity extended to a special tender trip to shore so we could tango in the moonlight. 

But we DID tango in the stateroom and in the hallway outside the gift shop. And it was nighttime when we did it. And it was on our anniversary.

Close enough.

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